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France Brings 22 Exhibitors to Photonics West this January

Date Announced: 20 Dec 2010

The French photonics industry enjoys substantial worldwide recognition, both in fundamental and applied research, including two Nobel Prize winners.

Dec 20, 2010 – Organized by Ubifrance in partnership with the CNOP (National Committee for Optics and Photonics), the French Pavilion at the Photonics West trade show in January 2011 will gather 22 exhibitors. Among them, there will be French competitiveness clusters who are CNOP members: Bordeaux Route des Lasers and Optitec, which represent genuine exchange platforms, as well as the Bretagne International agency, which groups several businesses in its area. Located in the Moscone Center South Hall, in booths 1023 and 1123, the French Pavilion will extend over a 180-square meter surface area.

Photonics is acknowledged by the European Commission as one of the five key technologies of the 21st century. Aside from optic-technology-using industrial companies, the French optic photonics industry represents about 1,000 companies and nearly 50,000 direct jobs, a turnover of €10 billion, 200 laboratories and 13,000 researchers (Source: AFOP).

As for business sectors, while it is still positioned on the defense market, the French optics industry is making increasing inroads into sectors such as security, aeronautics, automotive, space, health, telecommunications, instrumentation and industrial processes. From a global standpoint, 90% of French industrialists export their production. Those exports represent about 50% of the business channel’s overall turnover.

The French optic photonics industry enjoys substantial worldwide recognition, both in fundamental and applied research, including two Nobel Prize winners: Alfred Kastler in 1966 for optical pumping, and Claude Cohen-Tannoudji in 1997 for atom cooling using laser beams. French researchers are taking part in the progress of other disciplines by covering a wide range of fields: fundamental physics, astrophysics, micro and nanotechnology, light/matter interaction and materials.

All French research agencies are presently involved in ambitious projects: large telescopes of the future, satellites for space observation, extreme lasers, and they are associated with the instrumentation needed in such undertakings as the ITER, VIRGO and LHC projects. Beyond the exceptional advances they are expected to trigger, those projects are also significantly stimulating industrial activity around optic photonics. Furthermore, these agencies are playing a part in creating a strong synergy between research labs and industry; a synergy that is essential to a dynamic business environment and has brought about a strong showing of French projects.

Innovative in the field of optics and photonics, French companies exhibiting in San Francisco will be unveiling their latest products at the tradeshow.


A.A OPTO-ELECTRONIC (www.aaoptoelectronic.com)
ALPAO (www.alpao.com)
AUREA TECHNOLOGY (www.aureatechnology.com)
AZUR LIGHT SYSTEMS (www.azurlight-systems.com)
BRETAGNE INTERNATIONAL (www.bretagne-international.com)
EOLITE SYSTEMS (www.eolite.com)
FIBERCRYST (www.fibercryst.com)
GL EVENTS EXHIBITIONS (www.mesuroptovision.com)
INDATECH (www.indatech.eu)
INNOPTICS (www.innoptics.com)
ISP SYSTEM (www.isp-system.fr)
IXFIBER (www.ixfiber.com)
KEOPSYS (www.keopsys.com)
KERDRY (www.kerdry.com)
MICROCERTEC (www.microcertec.com)
NEW IMAGING TECHNOLOGIES (www.new-imaging-technologies.com)
PERFOS (www.perfos.com)
PHASICS (www.phasics.fr)
POP SUD (www.popsud.org)
ROUTE DES LASERS (www.routesdeslasers.com)
SAVIMEX (www.savimex.fr)
TEEMPHOTONICS (www.teemphotonics.com)

Source: Ubifrance/CNOP


Rym Krouri
ICT Project Manager
Tel: +33 1 40 73 21 26


c/o AFOP
Maison de l’optique
185 rue de Bercy
75579 PARIS CEDEX 12

E-mail: rym.krouri@ubifrance.fr

Web Site: www.cnop-france.org

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