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NIT Introduces Its High-Speed, Uncooled, MWIR Tachyon 16k Camera at Laser World of Photonics 2017

Date Announced: 23 Jun 2017

-- The high-speed infrared camera provides 2,000 images per second at full frame resolution (128x128) in uncooled operation --

-- Uncooled and affordable, fast and robust, the Tachyon 16K camera is optimal for volume requirements and targeted for Industry 4.0 --

Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain - June 23, 2017 - New Infrared Technologies (NIT), the world´s unique manufacturer of high-speed uncooled imagers sensitive to MWIR, will show for the first time in Europe its new and groundbreaking Tachyon 16K Camera at Laser World of Photonics 2017, booth A2-152, which takes place in Munich, Germany, from the 26th through the 29th of June. The Tachyon 16K Camera brings new performance to the volume-produced uncooled IR imagers’ domain, with unprecedented high speed of response and high frame rates.

The Tachyon 16K Camera, NIT´s flagship product, is based on a new and innovative FPA of VPD PbSe, sensitive in the 1-5 microns spectral range, with an increased resolution of 128x128 and providing frame rates up to 2 kHz at full resolution in uncooled operation.  Additionally, the VPD PbSe, entirely developed and manufactured by NIT, is the first quantum infrared technology monolithically compatible with Si-CMOS circuitry. As a result, Tachyon 16K is affordable, fast, robust and optimal for volume requirements.

“It is NIT´s goal to catalyze the adoption of infrared imaging massively by the industrial sector. We are confident that our world-exclusive uncooled MWIR technology does just that by enabling volume manufacturing of fast, robust and affordable products such as the Tachyon 16K Camera, targeting also to industry 4.0,” said Arturo Baldasano, CEO of NIT. “Laser World of Photonics provides a great venue for NIT to introduce its Tachyon 16K Camera to those seeking innovative imaging to monitor and control industrial processes, such as laser welding and additive manufacturing, where our technology can make the difference”, Mr. Baldasano concluded”.

The Tachyon 16K Camera includes the NIT Software Suite, a software package with applications for data acquisition and visualization, and the data communication is made through a GigE VISION 2.0 interface compatible with the GenICam standard, and thus allowing the programming of custom solutions. At the Fair, NIT will also display other products and solutions for industrial applications, such as CLAMIR for control of laser AM processes, or the TACHYON 1024 microCAMERA for other multiple industrial applications. More information on Tachyon 16K and other NIT products and solutions can be found in www.niteurope.com.


Alvaro de Mingo
+34 659 093 183

E-mail: ademingo@admmr.com

Web Site: www.niteurope.com

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