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“LASER SCANNERS” #1 Best selling book discusses how optical scanning technology can help your developments

Date Announced: 23 Jul 2016

“LASER SCANNERS” hit the #1 best-seller list within days of release on Kindle, then 3 weeks later the paperback edition did the same.

With the books surprising and fast rise to the top of the charts, “LASER SCANNERS” is already being considered as a laser industry classic.

When asked about the success, author and developer William Benner responded, “I am blown away. First, I am thankful for a very loyal following that started buying the book as soon as it was ready. Second, this is the only book I know of that covers all types of laser scanners, and has in-depth chapters on galvo scanners and information about product creation. I’ve received a flood of emails, letters and social media posts from people around the world, thanking me for sharing this information and helping people to understand how laser scanners work, and how they can be applied to make new products. I couldn’t be more trilled.”

“LASER SCANNERS” leverages Benner’s experience as a long-time consultant to galvanometer-based laser scanner manufacturers around the world, as well as founder of ScannerMAX – a new company formed to manufacture and license three brand new types of galvo scanners.

When asking why William Benner wrote the book, he said “My goal in writing this book is simple. The topic of laser scanners isn’t being taught in most universities and technical schools. Because of this, relatively few people know about them. Likewise, product creation in general is also not taught. This book covers both! Once people read and grasp the concepts presented, I am hoping to see more great products being developed that use these unique and powerful devices.” 

“LASER SCANNERS” by William Benner is available through Amazon in paperback for $49.97, and in Kindle format for only 99 cents. More information can be found on a special website setup for the book: www.LaserScanningBook.com

About William Benner

William R. Benner, Jr. is President and CTO of Pangolin Laser Systems. As President, he sets the general strategic direction for the company and oversees all aspects of company operations. As CTO, he is in charge of all hardware and software development as well as research for new products and new directions for the laser display industry.

In addition to having received more than 20 international awards for technical achievement, products invented by Benner and manufactured by Pangolin are currently used by some of the best-known entertainment and technology companies in the world, including Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, DreamWorks pictures, Boeing, Samsung and Lawrence Livermore Labs.

Benner holds more than 25 US and International Patents, and has received personal letters of commendation from U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Florida Governor Bob Graham. He has articles published in the SMPTE Journal, The Laserist, EDN magazine and Motorola's Embedded Connection magazine, and is co-author of the Amazon.com best-selling books Game Changers, Win, and The Success Secret. Benner has also been featured on NBC, ABC, CBS and FOX television affiliates.

Beyond his work at Pangolin, Benner has also served on several boards as well as serving for seven years as ILDA's Technical Committee Chairman. He also contributed expertise to outside companies including Bliss Lights, Cambridge Technologies, RMB Miniature Bearings and many others.

In 2012, Benner started a division of Pangolin called ScannerMAX, dedicated to the development, licensing and manufacture of three new types of galvanometer-based optical scanners, which deliver state-of-the-art performance at the lowest possible price.

If you’ve got a challenging beam-moving or beam-shaping problem, Benner would love to hear from you!


ScannerMAX - A division of Pangolin Laser Systems, Inc. 

E-mail: contact@scannermax.com

Web Site: www.LaserScanningBook.com, www.ScannerMAX.com

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