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Press Release

Directional Tuning Diffusers Films & New Simulation Libraries

Date Announced: 10 Nov 2010

BFi OPTiLAS, pan-European partner or Luminit LLC, a leading manufacturer of diffuser and light management technology solutions for the LED lighting industry, announces that Luminit Light Shaping Diffusers® can now be modeled in many leading optical simulation packages. BTDF data is now available for download on our website (http://www.luminitco.com/BTDF).
The data is in Radiant Imaging's .IS file format and can be easily converted to other popular formats like LightTools, Zemax and Optis. Soon we will also offer the BTDF and BRDF data in ASCII format that is compatible with TracePro, please stay tuned.

BFi OPTiLAS also provides Directional Turning Film (DTF) is an asymmetrical linear micro-prismatic product that provides 20° turning of a collimated or semi-collimated LED source (i.e. LED with a secondary optic or reflector). Our lighting customers are finding many applications for it in their next generation lighting fixtures.


BFi OPTiLAS internationall SAS

E-mail: info@bfioptilas.com

Web Site: www.bfioptilas.com

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