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Press Release

Lead salt uncooled detectors – the economic choice

Date Announced: 24 Feb 2016

PbS detectors are photoconductive infrared detectors with an excellent spectral response from 1 to 3µm.  Whilst cooled PbS provide greater signal using one stage, two stage or even three stage thermo electric coolers (TECs), ambient versions also provide good useable signals for many applications.  Possibly the best application is in fire and smoke detection.

Controlling PbS detector’s spectral response with the use of infrared narrow band pass optical filters over the active PbS chip permits additional differentiation of the environment such as gas detection and pollution monitoring.

Compared to other IR detectors, low cost ambient PbS detectors most likely offer the highest signal per unit cost allowing the most economic flame detectors to be manufactured. Contact us with your requirements to obtain a quote.



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