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Omega Optical perfects laser rangefinders

Date Announced: 19 Aug 2014

Omega Optical, Inc., of Brattleboro VT announced a new program directed toward improving the performance of laser rangefinders in early August.

“We developed a program to match laser diode output to a filter, in order to improve signal to noise.” said Robert L. Johnson, Jr., President and Technical Director of Omega Optical, “The filter would go on or in the avalanche photo diode.  We will allow for some thermal drift, but basically the filters will be matched to laser specific wavelengths.”

The program can handle a wide range of applications, including defense-related instruments as well as rangefinders used for commercial purposes, such as golf and hunting.

Omega Optical has been manufacturing thin film interference filters for use with lasers for many years.  What separates the previous manufacture from the new program is the ability to fine tune and present customers with better performing solutions.

“In the past we shipped filters that met specifications to customers, who returned the parts, because the filters did not provide optimal performance.  What we learned is that the customers were not fully aware of the laser requirements,” according to Johnson. “By offering sets, we can be certain and make the customers feel confident that our filters’ spectral profiles are exactly what they need.”

Moving forward, the customer will indicate its need.  Omega Optical will purchase and sort the necessary laser diodes and manufacture the corresponding filters. With the company’s new automated spectroscopy and mechanical processing, Omega is able to sort filters easily.  After sorting, Omega will pair the lasers to the filters precisely.

For more information, contact sales@omegafilters.com


Delta Campus, 21 Omega Drive
Brattleboro, VT 05301, USA
Tel: + 1 (802) 251-7351

E-mail: sales@omegafilters.com

Web Site: www.omegafilters.com/

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