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Call for Nominations: EPIC Phoenix Award

Date Announced: 10 Jul 2014

European consortium looking to recognize challenges of entrepreneurship.

The EPIC Phoenix Award is presented annually to a company that exemplifies the challenges and merits of entrepreneurship. The company may have faced difficult times in developing its technology, selling its products, raising capital, but ultimately managed in positioning itself as a successful company.

Through perseverance, learning from mistakes, engaging its staff, customers, and stakeholders, the company eventually achieved its rebound to success. Success is no accident, it is hard work, determination, knowledge, sacrificing, prioritizing, and above all passion for what you are doing. The EPIC Phoenix award is a symbol of the challenging realities that entrepreneurs face and the journey that this entails.

• The company must operate in Europe
• The company must be active in the field of photonics
• The company must have been profitable in the last 3 years
• The company should symbolize the reality of entrepreneurship

EPIC issues an annual call for proposals, qualified applications are reviewed by the EPIC board of directors who selects the awardee. The award is presented at the EPIC annual general assembly or other prominent occasion.

How to apply
Proposals should be sent before 29 August 2014 to Carlos Lee at carlos.lee@epic-assoc.com and include the following information:

• History of the company
• Examples of hardship the company went through
• Key success factors

See example here.

Past Recipients
• 2013: Advanced Fibreoptic Engineering (AFE), United Kingdom

Source: EPIC


see below

E-mail: carlos.lee@epic-assoc.com

Web Site: www.epic-assoc.com

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