Date Announced: 18 Mar 2014
The Polyclinique Bordeaux Nord, the Polyclinique Courlancy in Reims and the Institut Arnault Tzanck in Saint-Laurent du Var now offer optical biopsy to their patients for multiple indications.
PARIS, March 18, 2014 – Mauna Kea Technologies (Euronext: MKEA, FR0010609263), leader in the optical biopsy market, announced today that three prominent French private clinics are now equipped with Cellvizio and providing patients in their region with the clinical and therapeutic innovation offered by optical biopsy in multiple indications, including gastroenterology, pulmonology and urology.
Mauna Kea Technologies now has an installed base of 20 Cellvizio systems dedicated to clinical use in France, including 11 in public hospitals and 9 in private healthcare institutions, as well as 25 in preclinical research centers.
These new systems are installed in regions where until now, patients could not benefit from optical biopsy: the northern Aquitaine, Champagne and Côte d’Azur regions. The three prominent institutions maintain stringent investment policies, offering their patients the most innovative devices, whose clinical value is proven and recognized throughout the entire medical community.
“We are proud to be the first in the Aquitaine region to deploy this unique French technology to enable our patients to benefit locally from an unparalleled standard of care and management”, said Philippe Cruette, Head of the Polyclinique Bordeaux Nord Aquitaine. “Cellvizio also improves our visibility amongst the region’s practitioners, who now benefit from a leading-edge technology to detect digestive, pulmonary and urological cancers”.
Sacha Loiseau, Mauna Kea Technologies’ Founder and Chief Executive Officer, comments: “We are delighted with these installations in France, in three prestigious private healthcare centres, which demonstrate the interest in optical biopsy shown by practitioners, managers of healthcare centres and the entire medical community”.
On March 20 and 21, the results of several studies carried out in France on the benefits of Cellvizio will be presented during the Journées Françaises d'Hépato-gastroentérologie et d'Oncologie Digestive (JFHOD 2014). For more information about the programme, click here.
Map of the healthcare centers offering Cellvizio worldwide, please click here.
Source: Mauna Kea Technologies
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