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SPIE announces 2012 election results

Date Announced: 20 Aug 2012

Toyohiko Yatagai from Utsunomiya University will serve as SPIE president in 2015.

BELLINGHAM, Washington, USA -- SPIE 2012 President Eustace Dereniak announced recent election results at the Annual General Meeting of the Society on 14 August in San Diego, California, USA. Terms begin 1 January 2013.

Toyohiko Yatagai was elected by SPIE members to serve as the 2013 Vice President. Yatagai is Director of the Center for Optical Research and Education, Distinguished Professor, at Utsunomiya University. He received his BS in Applied Physics and a PhD in Engineering from the University of Tokyo. Yatagai is an SPIE Fellow, and serves on the Board of Directors. He has also served on the SPIE Nominating and Awards Committees. He was President of the Optical Society of Japan from 2008 through 2010.

Yatagai's technical interests include optical information processing and holography, optical measurement, interferometry, digital holography, moiré topography, biomedical imaging, optical coherence tomograpy, and optical computed tomography.

With his election, Yatagai joins the SPIE presidential chain, and will serve as President-Elect in 2014, as the Society's President in 2015, and as Immediate Past President in 2016.

William Arnold, Chief Scientist and Vice President of Technology Development Center at ASML USA, Inc. will serve as the 2013 President of the Society.

H. Philip Stahl, Senior Optical Physicist and James Webb Space Telescope Optical Components Lead at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, will serve as the 2013 President-Elect of the Society.

Eustace Dereniak, professor at the College of Optical Sciences, Univ. of Arizona, will serve as the 2013 Immediate Past President.

Brian Lula was elected by SPIE members to serve as the 2013 Secretary/Treasurer. Lula is the president and CEO of PI (Physik Instrumente) LP. He graduated in mechanical engineering from Centennial College in Canada, and completed advanced engineering courses at the Univ. of Michigan. Lula is an SPIE Fellow and serves on the Financial Advisory, Strategic Planning, and Corporate and Exhibitor committees.

Lula's technical interests include nanopositioning technologies, telescope mechanical/optical system design and fabrication, and astronomical imaging. Lula is a world-class CCD astronomical imager/educator with published photos in popular astronomy magazines such as Sky & Telescope and Astronomy, CBS national and local television news, and NASA's Astrophoto of the Day (APOD).

The newly elected Society Directors, who will serve three-year terms for 2012-2014, are:

• Kathleen Richardson, College of Optics and Photonics at the University of Central Florida (CREOL), formerly of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering/COMSET at Clemson University.
• James G. Fujimoto, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
• Ronald G. Driggers, US Naval Research Laboratory
• Christophe Gorecki, FEMTO-ST

Michael T. Eismann, Air Force Research Laboratory, was elected to a one-year term, 2013.

A candidate for SPIE Officer or Director must be a member in good standing of SPIE; normally have significant leadership experience with the Society (i.e., committee membership, chairing of conferences or committees, involvement in SPIE student activities, or a combination of these activities); or internationally recognized background in a new technology area of significant interest to SPIE.

The SPIE nominating committee is always accepting recommendations for the election slate. Directors, who serve a three-year term, are expected to attend and participate in three board meetings each year. To make a recommendation, or for more information, email governance@spie.org.

Source: SPIE



E-mail: governance@spie.org

Web Site: www.spie.org

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