Photonex Showcase
daily coverage of the optics & photonics industry and the markets that it serves
Business News
09 Dec 22
SPIE Photonex pulls a crowd at its new UK venue

Expo and conference draws more than 1000 visitors to UK National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham.

24 Nov 22
OpenLight launches PDK for ‘unified electronic and photonic platform’

Process Design Kit is said to enable rapid PIC designs with on-chip laser technology.

24 Nov 22
Harvard SEAS’ ‘time-lens’ generates ultrafast laser pulses...

...and PennEngineering develops develops “higher spec” microlaser chip for quantum-communications.

15 Nov 22
Bruker targets neurophotonics with twin acquisitions

Analytical equipment firm agrees deals with Inscopix and Neurescence to advance ‘optical functional neuroimaging’.

09 Nov 22
Quantum microscopy prototype points to novel sensing and imaging

Australian project uses laser illumination of defect centers to reveal structure and properties.

03 Nov 22
Holographic microscopy reveals the lives of microplankton

University of Gothenburg technique combines microscopy with deep-learning.

27 Oct 22
Empa miniaturizes infrared detectors with quantum dots

Ultracompact design could be well suited to consumer electronics and space devices.

25 Oct 22
Scandinavian group sets transmission record with single laser and chip

DTU (Denmark) and Chalmers University, Sweden, are “first in world” to deliver >1 petabit/s by integrated optical transmitter.

14 Oct 22
514 nm laser diode offers low-cost alternative to argon ion lasers

Compact source from ams Osram offers precision wavelength for life science applications.

12 Oct 22
Ultrasound-induced transparency gives clearer view of tissues

Creation of gas bubbles lets laser scanning microscopy look deeper into tissues.

21 Sep 22
Planet Labs goes into the infrared with hyperspectral offering

New constellation will provide satellite imagery showing methane gas emissions and more.

24 Aug 22
Smartphone camera spots narrowed neck arteries

Taiwan project applies motion analysis to video footage for stroke screening.

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