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Printing process and example 3D structures in glass. Click for info.
Printing process and example 3D structures in glass on optical fiber tips. (a) The fabrication process. Step 1: Mounting single-mode optical fiber in a customized fiber holder. Step 2: Drop-casting HSQ solution on the optical fiber tip. Step 3: Evaporating solvent. Injecting a visible laser from the other end of the fiber to illuminate the fiber core for alignment. Step 4: Exposing the HSQ layer with the femtosecond pulsed laser. Uniform Mode and Nanograting Mode can be selected by choice of exposure parameters. (b) A woodpile structure printed using Uniform Mode. The inset shows a close-up of the printed structure: the lateral width of each beam is below 400 nm. (c) Characters "KTH" and three blocks printed using Nanograting Mode. The inset shows that the three segments of the letter "K" are made of Nanogratings with distinct selected orientations. Credit: Lee-Lun Lai, et al. Picometer-scale optical devices will be developed for use across manufacturing, IT and agriculture. Image: courtesy of Aston U. / Shutterstock.
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