Defense+Commercial Sensing Showcase
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Product Announcement

Knight Optical’s Lithium Fluoride (LiF) Lenses for UV Applications

08 Mar 2022

Our Lithium Fluoride (LiF) portfolio not only consists of Lenses, but also Prisms, Blanks and Windows. Commonly specified for UV applications – such as UV lasers – and an excellent vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) transmitter, our custom-made LiF Lenses meet a wide range of requirements across a spectrum of industries. 

We understand there’s no one-size-fits-all approach for high-spec projects. As such, our tailored service allows you to specify the millimetre-perfect dimensions and thicknesses as well as bespoke tolerances and optical coatings best suited to your project. 

Due to the large bandgap for Lithium Fluoride as a substrate, its crystals are more transmissive to short wavelength UV radiation than any other material and are, therefore, ideal for use in X-Ray monochromators, as for use in VUV, ultraviolet (UV), visible and infrared (IR) spectrums. 

Typical specs:

Material: Lithium Fluoride (LiF)

Shape: Spherical lenses, cylindrical lenses

Dimensional tolerances: +/- 0.1mm

Parallelism: < 3 arcminutes

Surface quality: <60-40 Scratch/Dig

< 0.5 λ PV@ 633nm

Coating: Antireflective (AR) coatings for application bandwidth (if required). 

To discover how we can enhance your supply chain experience and to learn more about our custom-made Lithium Fluoride Lenses, contact a member of our technical sales team today. 

UK, Europe, Asia & RoW: E-mail 

Tel +44 (0)1622 859444

USA & Canada: E-mail 

Tel +001 401-583-7846 

Knight Optical
Roebuck Business Park
ME17 1AB
United Kingdom
Tel: 44 (0)1622 859444
Fax: 44 (0)1622 859 555
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