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Product Announcement

The Highest Resolution Microbolometer Array on the Market

31 Jan 2022

Up to 2,048 x 1,536 IR pixels

With opto-mechanical MicroScan feature

The VarioCam® High Definition stationary infrared cameras offer microbolometer detectors up to 2,048 x 1,536 IR pixels. The VarioCam® HD head 900 features Microscan, which allows the native number of pixels to be quadrupled. 

The thermographic high-resolution system VarioCAM® HD head was conceived for demanding stationary monitoring and measurement tasks. The VarioCAM® HD head produces brilliant high-quality 16 bit thermographic images, which allows unprecedented efficiency, especially when capturing smallest details on large object surfaces.

Read the full article here or contact Luke Nicholls, email to discuss your application

“Although a mature technology, InfraTec continues to drive innovation of microbolometer detectors with their VarioCam® HD range of cameras. With the microscan technology high resolution images can now be realised with a microbolometer array.”

Luke Nicholls, Technical Sales Engineer

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