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NRD is the only company providing advanced static control solutions for both corona and alpha technology. For 30 years, our standard has been to exceed the demand for safe and effective ionization solutions, worldwide. While corona is the standard, alpha is slowing becoming the static elimination solution of choice for many organizations because of its flexibility, reliability, lack of maintenance, and ability to perform in environments where corona is not an option.

Our longevity and focus across multiple industries have enabled us to push the limits of electrostatic elimination to create and deliver the most dependable and effective solutions for each unique situation. We also go to great lengths to understand the needs of our customers which assists us with continually improving our products.

What started out as the name of our flagship brand, Staticmaster®, has evolved to embody both our heritage and our overall commitment to excellence. And this commitment runs through all of our products, from static elimination to our ECD solutions as well. We understand better than anyone, that there is no single, best solution or technology–only the right solution for any given situation. And we are committed to providing that solution, whatever it may be.

 Cleanroom equipment
 Static Control
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United States
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