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National Energetics


ational Energetics is the leading innovator of high-energy and ultra-intense lasers and laser systems.  We provide reliable, high performance solutions utilizing novel technologies that surpass traditional platforms and deliver what you need for your success.  These systems include lasers based on Chirped Pulse Amplification (CPA) with peak power from 1 TW to above a PW as well as high energy and high average power pulsed laser systems.

Our CPA lasers feature OPCPA technology as well as more established Ti:sapphire and Nd:glass amplification techniques.  We offer CPA lasers not only at traditional near-IR wavelengths but also at longer wavelengths out to the mid-IR.  National Energetics scientists will also provide consulting services and assistance on the design and construction of high power and high energy lasers to customers.

 Solid-state lasers
 Tunable lasers
National Energetics
4616 W Howard Ln Ste 105
United States
Tel: +1 650 224 7865
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