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Custom Glass & Optics

Custom Glass & Optics, LLC was formed to enable access to a wide variety of glass materials and optical component, providing the customer with a consolidated offering of available inventories and quick-turn solutions. On this site, you will find up to date inventory listings for glass materials and optical products available for immediate purchase. You will also find listings of common products and materials which can be produced and shipped quickly, within one to two weeks in most cases. In addition, if you can't find the product you need in inventory or quick-turn listings, CGO can privide pricing and delivery for nearly any custom parts you require.

 Diffractive optics
 IR optics
 Optical fabrication
 Polishing and grinding
 Semiconductor materials and substrates
 UV optics
 Windows and prisms
Custom Glass & Optics
2100 Mediterranean Avenue
Virginia Beach
United States
Tel: 757-880-9543
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