LAYERTEC is a German one-stop shop that develops, manufactures and globally sells complex high-performance laser components for fs, ps, ns and cw lasers. The company's objective is to design and manufacture high-quality optics that meet complex customer requirements. Additionally, LAYERTEC keeps a stock of its most frequently requested laser optics, optimizing availability and shipping time.
The company combines a variety of coating techniques with a precision optics manufacturing facility. This allows LAYERTEC to produce high-precision plane, spherical, aspherical or free-form optics and process them with magnetron or ion beam sputtering as well as thermal or ion assisted e-beam evaporation, depending on the product specifications. The wavelength range extends from 130 nm in the VUV up to 7 µm in the NIR. Popular products include ultrafast optics, broadband optics and high-power laser mirrors, with substrates ranging from small pieces up to edge lengths of 2000 mm.
LAYERTEC customizes the optical components ensuring optimum performance and cost efficiency. The variety in size and technology of the coating equipment allows high-volume fabrication as well as flexible prototype manufacturing for research and development.
The company was established in 1990 as a spin-off of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany. The customers are reputable laser manufacturers as well as universities and research institutes worldwide. Many important developments in laser technology of the past years have been enabled by LAYERTEC optics. Therefore, the company is regularly mentioned in scientific publications.
Today, 40 coating machines are available, employing various sputtering and evaporation techniques. More than 400 employees work in the company's precision optics facility and coating laboratories and are available to discuss your ideas. Please do not hesitate to contact LAYERTEC for a quotation or a discussion regarding your special requirements.
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