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ID Quantique SA

IDQ’s focus is to provide innovative and cost-effective solutions that leverage the tremendous capabilities offered by quantum photonics, associated with cutting edge analog and digital electronics.

The company is organized in three business units:

Scientific Instrumentation - Photon counters

IDQ has a growing scientific instrumentation business, where the company's core quantum photonics technologies provide innovative solutions for industrial, commercial and research applications. Its product offering includes photon-counters for the visible and infrared regions of the optical spectrum, short-pulse laser sources, as well a R&D quantum key distribution platform.

  • Visible photon counters (Silicone avalanche photodiode working in Geiger mode)

- with excellent timing resolution ID100

- with 80% quantum efficiency @800nm and 200Hz dark count rate ID120

  • Infrared photon counters (InGaAs/InP avalanche photodiode working in Geiger mode)

- Free-running with 50Hz dark count rate and 25% quantum efficiency ID230

- 100MHz Gated detector with low dark count rate ID210

  • Quantum Key Distribution Platform:

Clavis2 uses a proprietary auto-compensating optical platform, which features outstanding stability and interference contrast, guaranteeing low quantum bit error rate.

  • Other products:

- Photon pair source based on a PPLN crystal ID350

- 8 channel time-to-digital converter for TCSPC applications ID800

Random Number Generators

IDQ also develops and commercializes random number generators based on quantum physics, which are used in several industries including security, prepaid services, as well as gaming and lotteries, where they have become a reference. These products have been independently certified by a Swiss national laboratory and truly random numbers at best-in-class bit rates.

Network Encryption

IDQ offers a broad range of high-security multi-layer encryptors for high-speed networks up to 10Gbps. These products have Common Criteria EAL4+ accreditation and are used by customers in the government and banking sectors. For uncompromised security, IDQ also offers a range of quantum key distribution products. Since 2001 ID Quantique has been at the forefront of the advancement of this high-potential field and has performed several world premieres.

 Laser diodes
 Low-light and single-photon counters
ID Quantique SA
ch. de la Marbrerie 3
Tel: +41-22-301 83 71
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