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Contents: June 2001 edition

17 Jun 2002

Quantum leap from Italy

Europe could learn a lot from the way that the US handles technology transfer, says Federico Capasso, head of physical research at Bell Labs. He talks to Phillip Hill about his ideas and his work on quantum cascade lasers.

The mists of Avalon

Avalon Photonics was launched last summer with almost $14 m of venture capital - this was just in time to avoid the downturn in investment. Phillip Hill visits the VCSEL manufacturer's Swiss headquarters.

Sensors working overtime

Living in the ominous shadow of Mount Vesuvius, the citizens of Naples know all about volcanoes. Michael Hatcher reports on the development of optical sensors that could help to predict future eruptions.

CCD makers sit up and take notice of CMOS

CMOS imaging sensors are catching up with the established technology of charge-coupled devices. Phillip Hill looks at the areas where CMOS is likely to stimulate new applications.

Silicon photonics: a light at the end of the tunnel?

Over the past decade, researchers have made progress in finding ways to coax light from silicon. Could silicon light sources now replace electronic circuits with optoelectronic ones? Michael Hatcher talks to the key players. Our essential guide to Europe's largest laser technology show, including: this year's highlights; start-ups exhibiting for the first time; companies holding product demonstrations; and the best jobs. The latest news and events from the European Optical Society and its members, with a focus on research activities in Sweden. News This Month
Technology Applications
Calendar/Advertisers' Index

Obtaining back issues: Hard copies of earlier issues of Opto & Laser Europe can normally be obtained by contacting our Circulation/Marketing Manager, Geraldine Pounsford by e-mail on geraldine.pounsford@iop.org

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