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23 Nov 10
China to lead world's LED production by 2012

Market forecaster IMS Research predicts that mainland China will leapfrog Korea and Taiwan within five quarters.

23 Nov 10
Slashed tariff will cut Spanish PV market by half

Reduction in support for photovoltaic installations in Spain is described as "brutal" by a local industry association.

23 Nov 10
Chinese take-over secures Irish photonics jobs

Plastic optical fiber (POF) transceiver maker Firecomms will expand its engineering team significantly, following its acquisition by ZJF Group.

22 Nov 10
Concentrated PV market "ready for take-off"

The European Photovoltaic Industry Association says that 2010 marks a watershed year in which concentrated PV technology is ready for large-scale deployment.

18 Nov 10
PerkinElmer exec to become new GSI chief

Currently head of PerkinElmer's optoelectronics business, John Roush will become chief executive of GSI for an initial three-year term.

17 Nov 10
Ophthalmic Imaging sees strong sales bounce

Sacramento-based producer of eye imaging equipment made net loss despite revenues increasing 50% in the first nine months of 2010.

16 Nov 10
CIGS developer DayStar on the brink

As new capital fails to materialize, one of the pioneers of CIGS-based thin-film photovoltaics is running out of options to avoid bankruptcy.

12 Nov 10
Q-Cells looks beyond Germany for 2011

Major supplier of solar cells and modules is looking for a more balanced geographical split in 2011, as the German PV market absorbs feed-in tariff cuts.

11 Nov 10
CIGS solar maker Ascent to raise $20M in offering

Additional capital needed to complete new 30 MW solar fab and cover operating costs ahead of production ramp.

11 Nov 10
Semicon and medical push Jenoptik growth

The German laser and optics company sees a strong rise in orders, as the positive impact of earlier cost-cutting measures is felt on the bottom line.

10 Nov 10
Machine vision market bounces back from slump

After a depressed 2009, machine vision is benefiting from a buoyant German economy, a growing applications base and demand in Asia.

09 Nov 10
JDSU upbeat on comms and laser development

Strong demand for optical components used in communications and new games consoles pushes quarterly revenue up to $411.3 million.

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