daily coverage of the optics & photonics industry and the markets that it serves
Latest News
13 Jun 24
EPFL’s chip-scale erbium laser offers broad wavelength tunability

Output exceeds 10 mW – outperforming many conventional systems, say its developers.

13 Jun 24
MINFLUX enhances super-resolution microscopy

EMBL project simplifies protocol for imaging of cells and tracking fluorophores.

13 Jun 24
Emergent Photonics Research Centre opens at Loughborough University…

…and Southampton secures £4.6M EPSRC grant to develop X-ray microscope.

12 Jun 24
Leonardo DRS to provide advanced laser systems to protect military aircraft

QCL-based infrared countermeasures destined for Northrop Grumman.

12 Jun 24
Lawrence Berkeley Lab using femtosecond laser to create/destroy qubits on demand

Researchers say novel technique is key to future types of quantum computer.

12 Jun 24
PhotonVentures backs Eindhoven's MicroAlign to ease 'quantum bottleneck'

Dutch startup closes €1M seed funding to accelerate commercialization of its fiber arrays for quantum computing.

12 Jun 24
Vector lines up £3M for laser commercialization

UK startup looking to develop surface-coupling emitters operating at various wavelengths.

11 Jun 24
MIT camera chip improves views of neural behavior

Individually programmable pixels maximize signal strength when studying rapid brain activity.

11 Jun 24
SPIE Astro2024: Dark-sky spaces and a bright future for Africa

Charles Takalana of the African Astronomical Society to discuss the evolution of astronomy across the continent.

11 Jun 24
TNO develops optical detector to protect cables on seabed

Netherlands Geological Survey (part of TNO) has conducted successful tests in the North Sea.

11 Jun 24
Spectroscopy startup Mirico lands $2M for methane sensing

UK firm has devised laser dispersion technique operating in the mid-infrared spectral region to spot fugitive emissions.

06 Jun 24
Korea’s POSTECH develops stretchable color-tunable photonic devices

Liquid crystal elastomers promise apps in displays, sensing, smart devices, and wearables.

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