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Bookham sends out mixed signals

17 Jun 2002

Revenues are up but the job count is down for UK-based optical-component manufacturer Bookham Technology.

UK-based Bookham Technology, a manufacturer of silicon integrated optical components for fiber-optics networks, has cut 102 jobs, bringing the total number of job losses to 315 since March of this year. The job cuts were mainly in the manufacturing and production sectors at the company's UK-based site.

Despite the cuts Bookham's chief executive, Giorgio Anania, is putting on a brave face. "As expected the market remains very challenging," he said. "But we are continuing to invest in research and development for new product development, taking advantage of our technology and good cash reserves."

The company's second-quarter revenues were £5.9 million (USD 8.3 million), down from the first-quarter revenues of £11.6 million (USD 16.4 million), but up by 27% from the same time last year. Planning to introduce new products, such as extended-reach transceivers and 10 Gbyte/s receivers, Bookham will also extend its customer base across North America, Europe and the Far East.

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