17 Jun 2002
In just two years' time the Airborne Laser - the first ever laser system capable of shooting down ballistic missiles - is set to become a reality. Nadya Anscombe finds out more.
From Opto & Laser Europe May 2002
Take one standard Boeing 747 freight carrier, squeeze on a massive megawatt chemical oxygen iodine laser, add to that an Nd:YAG laser, a Yb:YAG laser and a CO2 laser, and what do you get?
The answer is the Airborne Laser - the first ever direct-energy weapon system for defence against ballistic missiles, capable of detecting and blowing up a missile hundreds of miles away in less than a minute.
This may sound like science fiction, but the Airborne Laser is set to become a reality in just two
years' time. The first test firings of the high-power laser were finished two months ago and the first complete system will be
demonstrated in 2004. But Steve Lamberson, chief scientist of the Airborne Laser program, is
confident that the first-generation Airborne Laser, Block 2004, can be achieved with today's technology. He said: "The ongoing Block
2004 effort can be completed with current technology. We are embarking on a process to develop and incorporate additional
technologies into future Airborne Laser blocks, starting with Block 2008." Three US companies are involved in the development
of the Airborne Laser: Boeing, which is supplying the 747 freighter and developing crew safety and the battle management system;
Lockheed Martin, which is responsible for the nose-mounted turret, the beam-control system and the Nd:YAG and Yb:YAG lasers; and
TRW, which is making the system's high-energy laser. Flying just above cloud level, the Airborne Laser will not only be able to
blow up missiles - it will also be able to detect them shortly after cloud break, calculate the location of the launch point, analyse
trajectory information and provide accurate impact-point predictions. The four lasers will all play crucial roles in this chain of
events. The CO2 laser is used for measuring the range to each tracked missile. "The CO2 laser was selected for ranging because it is
widely used in LIDAR and LADAR applications owing to its long coherence length and its ability to produce complex waveforms,"
explained Lamberson. "This laser is used to precisely compute the range between the Airborne Laser and each potential
target." Lamberson explains why these laser technologies were chosen: "The system requires
two pulsed solid-state lasers at different wavelengths to perform the tracking and atmospheric compensation tasks. The wavelengths
need to be different so that the returns from the missile can be readily separated as they come into the Airborne Laser's main telescope.
The Yb:YAG laser was selected for the tracking task because tracking requires less power than atmospheric
compensation." Only after all of these laser systems have played their individual parts does the chemical oxygen-iodine laser
(COIL), which destroys the target, kick into action. "The COIL was selected because of its wavelength (1.315 µm), which is not very
heavily attenuated by the atmosphere, and is short relative to other mature high-power lasers," said Lamberson. "This allows the beam
to be more tightly focused at the target." The COIL laser and its chemical plant are so large and heavy that the floor underneath
the system had to be strengthened to support the weight of the modules and accommodate the laser exhaust. Keeping the weight down
has not been easy, says Lamberson. "The Block 2004 Airborne Laser is being designed to have a takeoff weight of about 300 tonnes;
the maximum takeoff weight is 320 tonnes," he said. "Throughout the design process, we have worked aggressively to control
weight." He adds,
however, that space and weight constraints have not been the biggest issues. "Our challenge for all four lasers has been to provide the
power and beam-quality needed," he said. The Airborne Laser is currently in the programme definition and risk reduction phase.
This phase will culminate in the shoot-down of a missile in late 2003 or early 2004. The plan is then to construct seven Airborne Laser
aircraft. And it seems that the program is set to meet its deadlines. "The tests performed to date have shown that the laser module
exceeds the design performance in terms of laser power. We have also successfully tested the three other lasers. This year we will be
testing each of the laser's segments before final integration on the aircraft," said Lamberson. "It will be a big year for us." Airborne Laser www.airbornelaser.com
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