17 Jun 2002
Laser-based techniques, once viewed with scepticism by art conservators, are finally gaining acceptance in a range of applications. Michael Hatcher reports.
From Opto & Laser Europe April 2002
Art conservators tend - as you might expect - to be a conservative bunch. They have been relatively slow to take up laser technology, preferring to stick with tried-and-trusted tools such as scalpels and chemical solvents. And who can blame them? After all, nobody wants to be known for attempting to tidy up the Mona Lisa, only to burn a hole in da Vinci's canvas.
However, lasers have much to offer art conservators, and are gradually gaining acceptance. They have uses both in cleaning and non-cleaning applications. In the former category, Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers have long been used on buildings blackened by centuries of smoke and, more recently, car exhaust emissions. Some of the world's most famous buildings, including parts of the cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris, have been cleaned in this way.
Parts of the precious Chinese
terracotta warriors of the Qin dynasty have also been laser cleaned. In fact, the use of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) to monitor the effects of laser cleaning in
real time was pioneered on these ancient figures. This is one example of the increasing use of online control techniques - a non-cleaning use of lasers in art
conservation. One example of a laser-treated metal artwork is Lorenzo Ghiberti's Porta del Paradiso (The Gate of Paradise), part of the Baptistry in Florence, Italy. The
Porta is regarded as the most celebrated gilded bronze relief of the Florentine renaissance. Conservators first cleaned the darkened areas with nitric acid in 1949, only for a
flood to deposit sludge all over Florence in 1966. Coated with black encrustations of gypsum, copper oxide and organic material, the Porta had lost much of its
appeal. Siano and his
colleagues at the IEQ have also developed a novel Q-switched Nd:YAG system, in which they say the pulse length can be easily tuned from hundreds of nanoseconds to
several microseconds. They achieved this by positioning optical fibres of different lengths within the resonator. The longer the fibre, the longer the pulse emitted. This is
important for applications involving the ablation of material, because there is a trade-off between the high mechanical stress induced by short pulses and the increased
temperature effects induced by longer pulse-lengths. Siano described his team's efforts at the fourth Lasers in the Conservation of Artwork (LACONA) conference in
Paris. The biannual meeting has grown rapidly since the inaugural event hosted in Crete by the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH) in 1995. The
associated LACONA organization now has about 300 members. As one might expect from their historical inheritance, speakers from Italy, Greece and France make up the
bulk of conference attendees. An emerging field is paper cleaning. Wolfgang Kautek of Germany's Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung has been working on a project to clean a
sheet of music found in the church of St Michael in Munich. The church was bombed in the Second World War and the parchment was damaged by fire. Further damage was
caused when the fire was extinguished with water. Kautek describes the technique used to clean parchment as similar to that used for tattoo removal - both materials are
essentially collagen fibres, the difference being that parchment does not regrow. "Skin is basically parchment," said Kautek. The ideal irradiation wavelength for cleaning is
500 nm, and Kautek used Innovative Berlin Laser's doubled Nd:YAG source at 532 nm - a new system that features a completely enclosed class 1 laser
source. Using multiple fibres to collect light from the laser-ablated plume, LIBS spectra are collected for each fibre per laser-pulse. The
spectral information is fed back into the laser system, controlling the cleaning process. The instrument, which can identify different layers in a painting, is also suitable for
other industrial applications. Art Innovation's Rianne Teule says that the company supplies
its technology as part of a package including equipment, accessories, training, information and workshops, to convince conservators to invest in its products. "We find that
conservators need to have hands-on experience to feel comfortable with the technique," said Teule. She and her colleagues are now looking to develop a portable excimer-laser
system for cleaning mural paintings - for which conventional YAG systems are not suitable - and a multispectral imaging system for paper treatment. According to
Costas Fotakis of FORTH, conservators are now beginning to optimize laser parameters for individual applications. This is exemplified by the solution found to the
"yellowing" effect often seen when materials such as limestone are laser cleaned. "You get yellowing if you don't optimize the laser parameters," said Fotakis. "However, this
can be avoided if you use different irradiation wavelengths." In general, Q-switched YAG lasers are used for cleaning, so the problem can be overcome by employing second
or third harmonics. Fotakis agrees that there is now a trend towards the use of lasers on unconventional substrates, such as ivory and fabrics. He has been involved in an
elephant-ivory cleaning project that involves Meg Abraham and Odile Madden from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, US. They found that the most succesful method
for ink removal was to employ laser radiation in the visible range. John Asmus is regarded as the grandfather of laser-based art conservation. He pioneered
laser-cleaning and holographic recording techniques in the early 1970s, working on the terracotta army and Mona Lisa, among others. Asmus sees no limits to the types of
material that can be laser-treated: "In 1972-1973 I successfully treated every material that the curators could find in their collections. Much of the work done in the last decade
has been towards understanding, optimizing and improving upon those initial efforts. Stone cleaning was the first application that caught on. I'm impressed with the emergence
of online control using LIBS and Raman imaging." Asmus has always likened the laser to a superior, albeit more expensive, scalpel. He and Fotakis both point out that
in another field in which the scalpel is omnipresent - medicine - there was some initial resistance to adopting the laser. And just as laser treatment in medicine has now seen
widespread acceptance, they expect the same thing to happen in the art world.
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