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Terahertz laser emits at room temperature

28 May 2008

A quantum cascade laser that emits terahertz radiation at room temperature opens up applications in biological imaging and security screening.

Researchers in the US and Switzerland have made the first room-temperature coherent terahertz source based on commercially available semiconductor nanotechnology. The laser could be employed in many scientific and technological applications, such as biological imaging, security screening and materials science.

Until now, quantum cascade laser (QCLs) have only been able to emit terahertz radiation at cryogenic temperatures of less than 200 K. The new QCL device — made by Federico Capasso of the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and colleagues from Texas A&M University and ETH Zurich — emits terahertz radiation with several-hundred nanowatts of power at room temperature (Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 201101).

At commercially available thermoelectric cooler temperatures around 259 K this power is increased to microwatts. Moreover, the power can be further increased up to a few milliwatts by optimizing the semiconductor nanostructure layers of the laser's active region and by improving the extraction efficiency of the terahertz radiation.

The QCL uses a material that exhibits difference-frequency generation (DFG) to emit with a frequency of 5 THz. Terahertz radiation sources based on DFG have been around for years, but they have required powerful pump lasers and large non-linear crystals to generate the required frequency difference. In contrast, the new device is electrically pumped. "Our device does everything in one small semiconductor crystal a few millimetres in size with no need for bulky external lasers," explained Capasso. "This means the device is compact, portable and consumes little power."

Since terahertz radiation can pass through most materials except metals, it could be used to detect concealed weapons or explosive chemicals, or to image biological samples. "Detecting material defects, such as cracks in foam, is also an important application," added Capasso.

The researchers will now work on increasing the output power of their coherent terahertz source at room temperature, as well as at thermoelectric cooler temperatures. They will do this by increasing the surface area used for light emission and by optimizing the design of the quantum wells.

"This is a very exciting and important result as it circumvents problems associated with normal terahertz semiconductor lasers, which only work at low temperatures," said Christian Pflügl of Harvard University, who was not involved in the research. "This novel approach could lead to the realization of compact semiconductor light sources with output powers sufficient for many spectroscopic applications, such as studies of pharmaceutical products, drug detection and determination of disease in skin tissue."

Universal Photonics, Inc.LASEROPTIK GmbHESPROS Photonics AGHamamatsu Photonics Europe GmbHECOPTIKCHROMA TECHNOLOGY CORP.Photon Lines Ltd
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